Color Sequential Rainbow Effect Demo
Color Sequential Rainbow Effect Demo

This is a color-sequential version of TestUFO Moving Photo.

These images are displayed in one primary color at a time (red, green, blue) rapidly, one color at a time, to create temporal color composition. This is a great example of the rainbow effect that is visible on almost any display (especially when moving eyes around). The rainbow effect artifact is normally found on single-chip DLP projectors, especially of slower color wheel speed. However, this software-based color sequential operation also makes rainbow artifacts visible on non-DLP displays too!

The higher the refresh rate of your display, the harder it will be to see the rainbow effect.

WARNING: Flicker will be bad on 60 Hz displays. For best results, test on a 240+ Hz display.
Pursuit Camera Grid:
Stutters Per Second:
Stutter Size:
- Hz
Per Frame
Per Sec
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IMPORTANT: Close all apps and other browser tabs and windows for best performance! Keep Aero turned on.
*Problems? Check Your Browser. Supported Browsers with VSYNC: Chrome (up to 240Hz+), FireFox 24+ (up to 240Hz+), IE 10+ (Limited to 60Hz).
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